Time Study Project and In-Person Meeting

March 17, 2023 — The recent survey of CCCR members provided excellent insight into how the group wants to be set up and the actions it would like to take moving forward. A synopsis of the actual results is provided below.



· It was strongly felt that the owner/managers of shops should be given the option whether to make their names public to the group or the general public.

· Having shops provide more information about their number of employees, size, output, and affiliations to networks / OEM would give a better indication of the strength and credibility of the group.

Outcome/Next Steps: The CCCR website (www.collisionrepaircouncil.ca) will add extra fields that registrants will need to complete to be able to get access behind the firewall and into “Groups” for discussion. There will be several private groups (chat rooms) that will be accessed by “invite only” to ensure confidentiality among group members.


Future Meetings

· It was decided there is a need for regular meetings with online being good for frequency. It is clear an in-person meeting would best crystallize the current and future goals.

· Piggybacking onto another event would be ideal as it would reduce or eliminate organizing and administration costs.

Outcome/Next Steps: The first in-person meeting of the CCCR will tentatively be held in conjunction with Collision Repair magazine’s summer EV REPAIR TOUR.


First Action Item: Time Study on Unpaid Administrative Tasks

· Based on the survey results the top three issues identified were unpaid administrative time, material costs, and repair versus replace.

· It was determined that the first project will focus efforts on administration costs and collect accurate data and compile all the unpaid steps involved in getting a vehicle mapped out for repair.

· Labour rate was not a specific question, but referred to by many as a priority. It was decided that the insurance companies are the least likely to discuss that at this point and the most productive strategy is to be paid for the tasks that are currently unpaid.

Outcome/Next Steps: The plan is to get group members to research and utilize any existing guides defining the duties and times needed to properly process the claim from start to finish. The next task is to develop a survey or worksheet to share with a group to fill out. Members will use the website “Time Study Info Sharing Group” to compile and store information. The results will then be prepared for public presentation.


Moving forward….with lightspeed

December 19, 2022 — TORONTO, ON — A lot has happened since the last email. Numbers are growing due to raised awareness. Currently, we passed 120 confirmed shop owners and managers from across the country. All sectors are represented. We still need to double that number to get a critical mass so we can get started on actual projects with tangible goals, benchmarks and results.

The first meeting was held for those expressing interest in being part of an advisory group. Twenty five people were invited and more than a dozen showed up. The minutes of the meeting are included below.

As a result of the meeting we now have Regional Reps for most areas of the country. These volunteers have stepped forward to help increase local awareness and bring local concerns to future meetings. There are still areas that need covering so please send a message if you are interested.

As a result of the meeting we now have Regional Reps for most areas of the country. These volunteers have stepped forward to help increase local awareness and bring local concerns to future meetings. There are still areas that need covering so please send a message if you are interested.

Atlantic: Kelvin Campbell

Southern Ontario: Max DiFelice

Eastern Ontario: Shawn Stenson

GTA: Jeff Pabst

Northern Ontario: Daniel Trevisanotto

Manitoba: Joel McPhail

Saskatchewan: Mike Mario

Alberta: Steve Hammond

British Columbia: Wade Bartok